OPINION: Gov Kefas Announces Appointments: Spotlight on Key Figures

Nelson Dimas

By Ahmed Usman Jalingo
In a strategic move to bolster his administration, Governor Kefas Agbu of Taraba State has appointed approximately 200 individuals as Special Advisers, Special Assistants, and members of various boards and agencies. Among the newly appointed are several notable figures whose backgrounds and contributions are set to play pivotal roles in the state’s governance.

Chris Nelson Dimas: A Political Ally and Media Strategist

Chris Nelson Dimas, a graduate of the renowned Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, and a Master’s degree holder from the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka, has been appointed as a media aide to Governor Agbu Kefas. Nelson Dimas is a key political ally of the governor and has been instrumental in the formation and operation of K-Move, a political organization that has evolved into a media think tank dedicated to promoting the governor’s programs and policies.

His expertise and strategic thinking are expected to enhance the administration’s communication and outreach efforts significantly.

Abubakar Inuwa (Pele)

Garba Pele: A Promising Young Politician

Garba Pele is expected to bring a wealth of experience to his new role. Previously serving as the chairman of the Taraba State Scholarship Board, Garba Pele has demonstrated a commitment to youth and educational development.

His appointment is seen as a continuation of the legacy of the late Ismail Yusha’u Maihanchi, with many believing that Garba’s skills and experience make him deserving of a significant role in the state’s administration. Supporters are eager to see how he will leverage his new position to further contribute to the state’s growth.

Comrade Sani Bamalu

Comrade Sani Bamalu: Champion of Youth Participation

Comrade Sani Bali, a Jalingo-born politician, has long been an advocate for youth participation in politics and governance. His track record includes serving as the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Media to former Chairman of Jalingo Local Government Area, Hon. Hamma Adama Tanko, as well as holding similar positions under Hon. Hassan Bappa and former State Auditor of the PDP Taraba State, Alhaji Kabiru Audu Pensi.

Additionally, he has served as the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the PDP Jalingo Local Government and as a Special Assistant to Governor Darius Dickson Ishiyaku. Bamlu’s  extensive experience and dedication to youth empowerment position him as a vital asset in Governor Kefas’ administration.

Governor Agbu Kefas’ recent appointments reflect a strategic blend of experience, loyalty, and innovation. By bringing together seasoned politicians and fresh talents, the administration aims to drive significant progress in Taraba State. The contributions of Chris Nelson Dimas, Garba Pele, and Comrade Sani Bamalu are eagerly anticipated, as they step into their new roles with the promise of impactful service to the state and its people.

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